When live gives you lemons – don’t let Bobby Drop-Tables steal them

So my recent Power Hour at Ministry of Testing got me thinking. To start: I'm sorry, tomorrow-morning-me, apparently I had to write this now, while on the rush of that experience. Why am I feeling this rush? From a Q&A? Well. I'm doing a workshop about security testing and OWASP Juice Shop this fall and I've been worrying about it. - Maybe it's too easy and scripted? - Will people learn anything? - What if…

Testing vs. Checking – separate entities or part of a whole?

There has been a lot ofdiscussion, heated and calm, about the concept of testing. What it is. What it is not. Arguments about real testing vs. what a lot of people imagine when they hear the word. Twitter and blog posts talking about “real testing”, “the future of test”, “no testing” and so on, seemingly endlessly. To be honest, I’ve had a hard time grasping a lot of it and some distinctions don’t make sense…

CAST 2018 # 2: Recruiting for potential

Apart from my workshop, I also got to do a presentation at CAST 2018 - Recruiting for Potential. If you are only looking for the slides, or want to check the slides before/after you read this post, they can be found here, along with a few of our cases. This started out with the fact that I have grown uncomfortable with the standard recruiting process* over the years. No, let’s be honest: I’ve always disliked…

CAST 2018 #1: Speedtesting Workshop

So, at CAST 2018  I had the pleasure of doing a workshop with my friend and colleague Tomas Rosenqvist. The title was "Speedtesting using mind maps" and consisted of 90 intense minutes of interaction with the awesome "Bling R Us" webshop that we created some time ago as a recruitment exercise (I'll get back to that in the next post...) The purpose of the workshop is to show how using a mind map template can…

UK Star 2018 – summary

Just came back from ukStar 2018 and I thought I'd summarize my experience while still fresh in memory. So, first of all: I only had the change to attend 1 of 2 Days. Day 2 actually had a lot of interesting talks that I wish I could have attended but unfortunately I had to go back home. Day 1 consisted of 2 keynotes, 1 workshop-session and a bunch of tracks. First off: starting keynote by…

TestSverige UnConference 2018 – summary

So this weekend I attended TestSverige UnConference 2018 among with a group of other members. I've attended a few unconferences before (Agila Sverige as one example) but this was the first time with a really limited allowed number of attendees. In the end we were 10 eager participants which might sound small but allowed for really passionate discussions (that might have spilled into dinner, after dinner and breakfast..) First draft of schedule gave us 2…