How to make meetings not suck #2: Filling the meeting with value

(Note: This is a follow up/deep dive from this post) A lot of people hate meetings and claim all (or most) meetings are waste of time. While I certainly agree there are a lot of unnecessary meetings out there - the problem with most of them is the way we do them. We don't plan and prepare, we invite the wrong people and we don't learn from them. There are a lot of meetings that…

Agile Testing Days Open Air – How to make meetings not suck

In May 2022 the first Agile Testing Days Open Air took place, and there Samuel Nitsche and I premiered our workshop “How to make meetings not suck”. This post is my reflection on the process of creating the workshop and a slight summary of the workshop itself. Designing a new workshop is always a gamble and kind of nerve wrecking. You work really hard on creating a structure and content that you hope will be valuable…

Summary of 2021

It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily work and miss out on the bigger picture. To help with that, I try to take a moment at least once or twice a year to reflect on what I actually achieved. It helps me ground myself, feel better and in general is a pretty nice self-conficence boost. This year I asked a few colleauges to proof-read and as a bonus got more things to…

Psychological safety and inclusion in agile teams – pair blogg #5

Background In case you haven't read about my pair-blogging idea before, a short summary from the first post: A while back I asked on Twitter for people who would be up for pair-blogging. The idea was that we agree on a topic and a date and then we each write a post about that topic. We publish on the same date and promote each other’s posts.  Once again I reached out on Twitter for more…