Onboarding remotely during a pandemic – Pair-blog #4

Background In case you haven't read about my pair-blogging idea before, a short summary from the first post: A while back I asked on Twitter for people who would be up for pair-blogging. The idea was that we agree on a topic and a date and then we each write a post about that topic. We publish on the same date and promote each other’s posts.  Next up I get to pair with Lisa Crispin…

”Testers don’t break software!”

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash Introduction I believe most of us have heard the statement "Testers don't break software, we break the illusion of it working". For a while, something has bothered me with that statement and I felt a need to get my thoughts onto "paper" to sort them out. I understand why the view of "testers break software" is hurtful and why people feel strongly about this. A lot of testers have gotten heat from…

Coaching upwards? Pair-blog #3

Background In case you haven't read about my pair-blogging idea before, a short summary from the first post: A while back I asked on Twitter for people who would be up for pair-blogging. The idea was that we agree on a topic and a date and then we each write a post about that topic. We publish on the same date and promote each other’s posts.  I happened to see a conversation on Twitter between…